Get in Touch
Workshop Manager: Mrs Grace Vickerman
Farm Manager: Mr Grant Vickerman
Ashwood Farm, West Hoathly Road, East Grinstead, RH19 4ND / Tel. 01342 316129
OFSTED number: 397513
Frequently Asked Questions
What does my child need to bring?
Seasonal clothing plus waterproofs are essential in the wet weather. Ski trousers are recommended for the winter as we will mostly eat outdoors. Sun cream should be applied before school on sunny days. Children should take belongings home each week for washing.
Your child will also need indoor shoes. Please label all clothes.
Does my child need a pencil case?
Usually children do not need a pencil case as we provide utensils, however due to the recent Covid 19 rules we have decided to allow all children to bring plain pencil cases for pencils, rubbers and cartridge pens. No felt tip pens please.
Does my child need a school uniform?
Green and purple are our colours. We would like all children to wear green, purple or neutral colours. No garish symbols or logos please. T-shirts with our logo on them from
Uniforms are provided by a company called School Trends at
Please order your uniform in advance of the term starting.
Second hand uniforms and these can be bought directly from the school. (When available)
What should I pack my child for lunch?
Please pack healthy food and extra snacks for your child. Please clearly label. Please also add a good sized water bottle with their name on it. We promote low packing packed lunches where possible. NO NUT PRODUCTS PLEASE.
What time can I drop off and pick up my child?
There is a member of staff present at the gate from - please pick up by 3.30pm If you are running later please call or text. Out of courtesy to our staff please do not regularly pick up late from day activities or after school clubs.
Do you have extra tutoring available?
One to one tutoring is available after hours. Please ask for more details, prices and availability.
Do you have a coronavirus policy?
We do have a policy in place. You will be asked to read and sign when your child registers. We are lucky to be a very small group bubble and our policy involves parents and teachers sharing the responsibility for keeping each other safe. We will not be wearing PPE in the classroom or outside unless we need to administer first aid. We encourage good hygiene and ask parents to keep children off if they seem unwell. Plus we ask parents to carefully consider holidays abroad as we ask that children and parents isolate for two weeks upon return of any trips taken on a plane until further notice.
We are blessed to have a lot of outdoor space which we plan to use as much as possible for learning and eating, keeping us all safe and healthy.
In these uncertain times the government may wish to lock down educational facilities at a moments notice. In these instances we will switch to online home education support packages or rearrange our term dates (where possible) as soon possible. We will communicate these changes to you on email.
We may ask your child to log in and we shall deliver educational workshops online. We will be unable to refund fees in these instances as we would wish to continue to pay our staff members for their work and be able to open up our facilities as soon as possible.